One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost Review

  Yet again another wonderful book by Frost, I could clearly see the lessons that both Cat and Bones have learned in the past come to the surface and influence their lives. It was truly was amazing seeing this growth they have  experienced in their relationship and separately. I loved this, I loved seeing the…

Into the Darkness and Braving the Elements by K.F Breene

  Soooooooo, I pulled an all nighter reading these books  and I am totally loving this. The plot line is simple yet exciting all at the same time and don’t even get me started on the sexuality of this books. The hotness was pretty much right off the bat, shocking but it blended in to…

Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins

Rocky start to this, I was confused for a few chapters before it started to make sense. One thing for sure this was not a slow burn book, it was full throttle right from the beginning and I liked it a lot. The action was awesome the romantic and the physical. The chemistry between Ryder…

This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

I loved this book so much, I got to see more of my favorite person. Vlad the Impaler. Love that guy. “Much slower, I turned around to see Vlad examining his fingernails, as if his hands weren’t still ablaze in the flames that had blasted the ghoul’s head off moments before. ‘what the hell was…

Night Huntress World by Jeaniene Frost Review

  These cover are for the audio book, but I like them a lot better than the paper version. I have to say that when I started reading This Side of the Grave, I realized that I had no clue what some of the references were about. So I went on Goodreads and realized that…

Happy Holidays!

Hope Everyone is having an awesome holiday, and have opened some awesome books or gifts and having a wonderful day with family and friends. Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas!!

Throne of Glass, by Sarah J. Maas

Originally posted on Buttons Book Reviews:
After she has served a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, Crown Prince Dorian offers eighteen-year-old assassin Celaena Sarodethien her freedom on the condition that she act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin. I trusted Sarah…

Holiday Vacation To-Do List

Here are my book goals over the next two weeks, None of this is going to get done in order most likely. Anyway might as well make some headway in my 84 book long to do list. I want to finish the Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost as well as re-read the Night Prince…

Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost

*Warning Spoilers* Summary: Her deadly dreams leave her in grave danger Since half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they’ve fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Now it’s time for a vacation. But their hopes for a perfect…

The Hundredth Queen Triology by Emily R King

        Alright so, I was not able to finish this series at all. I read the first and honestly, the plot just did not snag me, hook me, whatever. I started the second book, The Fire Queen hoping that it would snag me there, nope. The plot to me was just flat…