Up From the Grave (Night Huntress Series) by Jeanine Frost

  Finally! I finished this series, took me almost three months to do it but I did it. I have to say it was another success for Frost. This book was the perfect way to round out the series, lose ends were tied up, enemies defeated, issues dealt with, and secrets revealed.  I really enjoyed this…

Burn (Dark in You) Trilogy by Suzanne Wright

I think I’m obsessed. This book was incredible, it was fast but not to fast and unlike what I see often in paranormal romance the female protagonist didn’t give into the male protagonist. Harper, is a head strong, independent, take-no-sh*t attitude, sarcastic, and loyal like you never seen. I loved it, I loved how independent…

The Syrena Trilogy by Anna Banks

This series was beautiful in its simplicity. The story that Banks told was so refreshing to read. The way she carried the progression of Emma and Galen’s story through the books was smooth and inspiring. The books progressed one into another beautifully the love and romance between Emma and Galen was nice. It wasn’t an…

Male Book Role Models

Lately in school I’ve notice a guy reading A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas. This surprised me as the main protagonist is female. I then realized one, I am a snob. Two that though the a female is the protagonist there are some strong male characters as well. So, I would…

Upcoming Book Review

The upcoming review I will be doing is on The Syrena Legacy by Anna Banks. It’s definitely a departure from my norm lately, no vampires, fae, demons/devils, or dragons. However there are mermaids sorry Syrena. (Mermaid is insulting to the Syrena).  Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he’s…