Top Five Book Pet Peeves Discussion

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What annoys you in a book?

#1. I absolutely dislike it when the author starts out with a head strong courageous hero/heroine and he/she ends up either giving up, giving in or relying on a someone else. I don’t know about you but that is so annoying to me to see a character reduced to that.

#2 Have you ever read like synopsis of a book and you get so hyped and the book doesn’t live up to it. I’m just like really, are you kidding me?

#3 Bad story plots. If a plot is so dull that I can’t even make it through the first 5 chapters, I’m annoyed as heck because who wants to read a boring action or romance book.

#4 The girl gives it up immediately, give the guy no grief at all. He messes up and  she goes “I Love you, I forgive you.” I don’t know if it makes me a bad person but if the love of my life messed up I’d make him grovel, because if he really is sorry make him prove it. 

#5 This isn’t really a pet peeve, it just gives me emotional whip-lash. When a loved character turns evil, betraying a more loved character. That makes me want to kill someone and go rock in the corner at the same time.


What are your pet peeves? Share in the Comments below!

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