The Lux series by Jennifer L Armentrout

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The review is here, finally. It took me long enough, huh? So this series was disappointing to say the least, I had some hope when I read the 4th book Origin, which was awesome. The first book was the whole I hate you but I want you the whole entire time. Then the second book Onyx, was marginally better, but still a lot of I’m trying my hardest to hate you. The third Opal, was also better than the last with good plot twists and character building/growth. Origin was the best book by far I was so excited after the monotone of the last three books. The plot was awesome and I enjoyed it so much the action mixed with the romance that is Katy and Daemon made this on the best book in this series. Then the last book Opposition, I struggled to finish this book; it took me 6 days compared to the 2 it took me to read the others.

Frankly from the start I felt like it was a repetition from the last book with a few additions and twists, nothing that made me want to hop on the emotion roller coaster. Honestly if I didn’t want to write this review I don’t think I would have read past the second book I give the Lux series in total 3 stars and Origin 4 stars.

Image result for Lux series coversImage result for 4 stars

Image result for Lux series coversImage result for 3 stars rating

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  1. I loved this series, but I never bothered with the second last or last book. I knew I had grown out of the style for awhile – my love for the series lies in what I owe it. I never would have thought of, or considered book blogging had I not read this series. While I look back and can see the plot is repetitive, it’s place in my favourites and heart will never be budged simply because of what it led me to. The only way I’ll end up finishing the series is if I decided to celebrate my blogs 10 year anniversary with a re-read and review. *shrugs* ❤

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